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Our Community Meetings |
Penshurst's Progress Association 4th Wednesday each month at the Penshurst Memorial Hall. Contact: Ama Cooke, President Phone: 0402 870 738 Email: president@advancepenshurst.com.au Book Club 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Senior Citizens Clubhouse Bell St, Penshurst. Caramut & District Garden Club 2nd Tuesday monthly 10.00am See the Mt Rouse News & Views Community Newsletter for venue Combined Churches Prayer Group 3rd Tuesday every month, in WJ Lewis Wing 11.00am Friends of the Botanic Gardens Contact Ama Cooke for information & meeting dates Phone: 0402 870 738 Friends of Yatmerone Reserve 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Volcanoes Discovery Centre 7.30pm Contact: John Brennan Phone: 5576 5220 BH Email: brennos3@bigpond.com Indoor Bowls 2pm every Monday at Senior Citizens Clubhouse. All welcome. Lions Club of Penshurst & District 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month. RSL Hall, Ritchie Street, 8pm. Mt Rouse & District Historical Society 4th Sunday January, March, May, July, September & November 2.00pm at Courthouse Courthouse open 1st Saturday each month 9.30am - 12.30pm Contact: Val Heffernen, Secretary Phone 5571 2145 Penshurst Bowls Club 1st Tuesday each month 7.30pm at the Club. | Penshurst Community Market Saturday March 16th, 2019. Christmas Market 13th December, 6.00 - 8.30 pm Contact Ama Cooke 0402 870 738 Penshurst Hospital Ladies Auxiliary 3rd Tuesday each month, Sheppard Room, Penshurst Hospital, 1.30pm Penshurst Memorial Hall Committee Meetings - February, May, August, November. 7.30pm Supper Room Contact: Ama Cooke, Secretary Phone: 0402 870 738 Email: penshurstmemorialhall@gmail.com Penshurst Playgroup Meets every Monday morning 9.30-11.30am at the Preschool, Watton Street. (No playgroup in school holidays) Penshurst Pony Club Rally 1st Sunday each month Penshurst Senior Citizens - Meeting - last Tuesday monthly 4pm at Club rooms, Bell St. - Novelty Bingo - last Tuesday of Month February - November, 2.15pm. - Cards & Social afternoon - 2nd Wednesday monthly, 2pm. Penshurst Urban Fire Brigade 2nd Monday monthly at Fire Station Residents, Relatives & Carers Group Tuesday bi-monthly, commencing in February, 4pm at the Penshurst Hospital Returned Services League (RSL) Meets first Thursday in February, April, July, October, at 6.30pm at the RSL Hall, Ritchie Street. |